Face lift is a cosmetic surgery performed to enhance the looks of the face. The procedure will remove the excess skin or fat from the face. Remaining tissues are raised and contoured to supply a younger and rejuvenated look. Most patients select this procedure to counteract the signs of aging, like lax and wrinkled skin. Face lift is a procedure that is done by the cosmetic surgeons for providing a much more youthful appearance. There may be sagging on face skin when at the time of aging. Some will look more older than they actually are. Face lift procedure is one of the best option for removing the sagging etc . There are many other benefits of the face lift . The face lift is done for both male and female.
Commonly the face lift procedure is done by people at the age group between thirty five and sixty five. At these age the signs of signs of aging like facial lines, wrinkles, lax skin, and deep facial folds etc are visible . As we age, our skin naturally becomes less elastic. For this reason, patients over sixty five might not deliver the goods the results they want, though several patients of this age have had winning outcomes.
How is face lift Performed ?
The face lift procedure has changed from simple skin lifting to more complex deeper plane lifting techniques. Today, many different techniques exist, with outcomes that are consistently reliable and durable. The face lift procedure usually involves incisions in front of and behind the ear. The incisions may extend into the scalp. Once the incisions are made, various degrees of undermining of the skin are performed, and the deeper layers of the face are lifted. Muscle tightening as well as liposuction of the neck and jowls may be performed, and excess skin is either removed or re positioned The results are a reversal of the effects of gravity and tightening of soft tissues of the face to restore a more youthful contour to the face.
Benefits of Face Lift
- Sagging in the mid face
- Deep creases below the lower eyelids
- Deep creases along the nose extending to the corner of the mouth
- Fat that has fallen or is displaced
- Loss of muscle tone in the lower face may create jowls
- Loose skin and excess fatty deposits under the chin and jaw can make even a person of normal weight appear to have a double chin
Face lift healing time is between one and three weeks. Patients have to spend few days recovering from surgery before gradually returning to their normal activity level. Most face lift recovery patients return to work in a week to ten days, depending on the extent of the procedure. You can expect the final results of your face lift to be visible in about three to six months. The results of a face lift are permanent.
Care Well Medical Centre provides the Best Face Lift Surgery with the superior guidance of the experienced cosmetic surgeons. Care Well is well equipped with most modern facilities and also have a group of surgeons to perform different cosmetic surgeries. We provide all the treatments in affordable cost .
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